Black Christmas 2019

It’s that time of year again! Come party with us in the Motor City! AEG Presents and Black Iris Booking presents 🌲💀BLACK CHRISTMAS 2019💀🌲 Featuring: The Suicide Machines Esham Anti-Flag Mustard Plug Koffin Kats Death Before Dishonor The Homeless Gospel Choir The Code The Lippies Counterpunch Gallows Bound Extinction AD Suburban Delinquents Majestic Theater • Magic Stick • Garden Bowl Saturday, December 21st
Tickets on sale tomorrow (11/8) at 12pm EST All Ages // $25 Early Bird // $30 G-A // $35 DOS Tickets: #detroit #majestic #aeg #blackiris #thesuicidemachines #esham #antiflag #koffinkats #thisishell #deathbeforedishonor #homelessgospelchoir #thecode #thelippies #counterpunch #gallowsbound #extinctionad #suburbandelinquents #thelowcocks #westgrand #fishgutzzzandthestinkinorchestra #thepurps